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Robotics, Software, Mechatronics

Research, Competition, Course Project

Side Projects: Services


Silver Medal out of over 40 teams in Taiwan- Intelligent Drone Competition

The competition sets up several stages including track following, object recognition, load dropping, etc. All the process must be automatic, which is the most difficult part of the competition.


Self-Driving - Dynamic Traffic Cone Follower

UIUC - AutonomouStuff

Using ROS, PID, OpenCV, cruise and steer control, along with stereo camera, the vehicle detects traffic cone and drives along them.


SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping)

LiDAR-based SLAM

Using only LiDAR point cloud, the vehicle is able to localize itself using ICP algorithm, and to map the envrionment. This is an open-source slam package and we are running it on our own dataset.


Billiards Robot

Silver Medal - Billiards Robot Competition

The goal of this game is to manually operate a robot to complete a billiards game. The evaluation includes shoot count, pocket, and time spent.


Humanoid Robot - NAO

RoboCup - robot soccer competition

In Embedded System Lab, in a 3-people team, I research the motion control of the NAOv6 robot, as well as improving the real-time ball detection algorithm using tiny-YOLO. The main works focus on penalty kick.

No Link.

Jigsaw-Puzzle Solving Robot

Robotics Course Project

This project has 2 main parts: image processing to solve the scattered puzzles and manipulation of the robotic arm. The technical contents includes camera calibration, coordinate transformation, object segmentation, template matching, and the algorithm for solving puzzles.


Intelligent Pneumatic Vehicle

The Practice of Mechanical Engineering

The goal of this competition is to build two pneumatic (fan and DC motor driven) vehicles and complete the assigned mission:

1. Speed Control: vehicles must pass different sections in specific speeds with error less than 5%. We typically use PID control, but the interference of the environment can be annoying.

2. Vehicles Gap: Two vehicles must keep a specific gap with error less than 5%.

3. Vehicles must periodically change lane and overtake each other.


Self-driving Projects

ROS and LGSVL Simulator

Using ROS2 and LGSVL simulator, I tried multiple self-driving alogrithms and control flow, including feedback control, computer vision, lidar point cloud, and ML algorithms.


Tree-Climbing Robot

Industry-Academia Cooperation Plan with Forestry Bureau

For tree inspection purpose, we're asked to make a robot that can automatically climb trees and get some data. The most difficult part is the mechanism design for the robot to hold the trunk tightly.

No Link.

AI-Cup Singing Transcription

Excellent Award out of over 200 teams - Music Prediction Competition

Given a random song. we're asked to transcript the song into MIDI note, where the onset, offset, pitch of each note must be accurate with error less than 1%. The techniques include removing vocal, feature extraction, and LSTM modeling.

Your Personal Assistant

Events Auto-scheduling Web Application

The course project of Web Programming, where we won the First Prize in the class. The website auto-schedules your to-do events and visualizes segmented events for you. 


Demo Video:


Side Projects: Image

Cooperative Tank Game - Unity Game Development

We've seen lots of 2D tank game, but it's rare to see a tank game where 2 players operate the two different functions of a single tank, like attacking, moving, or defensing. The development of this game is not hard, but truly time-consuming.

Side Projects: Image

Balloon Exhibition - Balloon Bike

As the leader in the Balloon Design Club, I occasionally participate in the community balloon competition, where I absorb the techniques from masters all over Taiwan and train myself to be proficient in both leadership and technical skills.

Side Projects: Image
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